Do you want to contribute something to your company? Do you want to motivate and inspire everyone around you? Do you want to have fun in the process? What if I told you that's exactly what you get when you hire a motivational speaker at your event or gathering! But what's the true power of a keynote speaker at your event and what can it do for your company?
Switch it up!
First of all, a lot of companies struggle with change. Changes within the company, changes to the outside world or even changes as a person. Change is one of the most challenging hurdles for your company to overcome. Sometimes you need a different perspective on what's going on in the world and your business. And that's where Dirk Denoyelle really shines!
The goal of a motivational speech is to inspire change within the company. A good speech can act as a wake-up call for your colleagues, friends or even your bosses! But we must not forget to have fun!
LEGO®, the building blocks for your company
Dirk rephrases the theme in an original, funny and inspiring way. On stage, for your audience, with the passion and charisma of a natural performer. With his background as a comedian he tells a convincing and amusing story. In combination with his passion for LEGO®, Dirk brings an unforgettable experience to the table. Together you will discover how LEGO® bricks can be inspiring building blocks for your company or organisation.
And Dirk has the knowledge and experience to back it up! He studied languages in high school, holds a Master's degree in micro-electronics engineering, is a singer and comedian, speaks 6 languages, is a LEGO Serious Play® Coach, one of 13 LEGO Certified Professionals in the world and runs a small company. It is quite obvious he has the profile to give motivational speeches.
Are you looking for a fun, inspiring and interactive afternoon, presented by the one and only Dirk Denoyelle?
Contact us for more information about
"A journey of changes"